BEWARE Serious Issues With App & Online Account Switching & Personal Privacy Violations
So, they are making continuous updates to the App and
I noticed that signing in and out of accounts is not always switching the account when you sign back in.
It is more prevalent on
I thought at first it was an IP thing but then I turned on the VPN and it was still happening.
So, I went to the library to test out there as they have a VPN and a refresh of the cache when you log out of the computer you were on.
Well, I had a shit fit at the library at around 8.00 pm.
I signed into one account, my son's account with no issue and then signed out.
Then I signed into another account, my daughter's account, and EVERYTHING changed about the account to my daughter's account EXCEPT the savings and deals page (EB, CRTs, 2%, DQs). That was still the info from my son's account.
That in and of itself made me take 2 steps back.
What came next made me almost have a nervous breakdown.
I logged out of the public computer, went outside for a quick cigarette to calm down and came back in and sat the same machine.
I went to and signed into a third account, my dad's account but this time EVERYTHING changed to my daughters account EXCEPT the savings and deals page (EB, CRTs, 2%, DQs). That was STILL the info from my son's account. Nothing on the screen was my dad's account.
I almost had to be restrained. I showed them what was happening, and they powered the computer down to be safe.
I do not know what the hell CVS is doing but they have just violated every personal privacy law known to mankind.
Think about this. Someone walks into the library, sits at the computer, starts browsing and decides to log into their CVS account. But what they see is $400 of EB staring them in the face from my sons account. So, they get confused and click on manage my account and they see my daughter's name, my daughter's address, my daughter's phone #, and my daughter's email address.
I think I need to bring this to the attention of someone important like the attorney general.
Any thoughts ????????????????????