"Just a warning....this has happened to me before, I got burned, and swore I wouldn't let it happen again. And then I screwed up and got burned a second time. It's on the deals that are limit 2 and you do them separately and get, say, 2 $5 EB's. Both mine have been colgate deals. When I redeem the first $5 EB, the second one disappears from my account. I just called CS and they told me both $5 EBs were redeemed. She wasn't gonna budge so I asked when they were redeemed. She said both were redeemed on 7/15. I asked her to tell me what I spent them on, and she could only come up with 1 4.99 item. At that point, she realized that what I had told her (that the second one disappeared without me using it) was true and she re-issued it. Amazing they can't get this fixed! The last time it happened to me was over 6 months ago!" - fitnessfan @ slickdeals