not much, just some shopping, having nice chats with people. huge difference lately for me. i'd barely look at people, assuming that i have no value/am even bad for them in some way [ re those early childhood things]
very recently i've been smiling at people, little chats with the assumption that me sending out love and light might be nice for them.
that's a revolution for me.
i've literally felt like a literal leper all of my life. i did not fully realise until a
couple of years ago, during my lengthy dark night of the soul, how deep/bad/big/wide that believe actually is in me.
so first time since i remember i did not want to forget that i had a bd, and i felt happy, and like I AM a shining star, the sun even.
the night before i was singing ''amazing graze'' cause i've got all these guilt feelings as well and it came to me to let go of those, and the need to somehow be perfect/flawless. and THEN i can live!