I grew up with a cowboy father who believed it was unacceptable for your hair to touch your ears or your collar. We always had short hair growing up. He was also an Airforce vet from Nam, his older brother career Army serving Korea and Nam, and their father who was Army Air Corps in WWII, when dad got us a hair cut it was a bootcamp special about 1/8th of inch hair length. I still remember the constant bald eagle jokes at school where everyone else had long hair as it was the 70's.

My adoptive parents in my teen had been hippies in the 60's and 70's but had toned down after graduating college and after becoming teachers also required short hair on men as it was in their opinion biblically mandated.

At 18 I joined the US Navy and had short hair for years there. When I got out of the Navy and finished with reserves I just let my hair grow. I always trimmed the top and sides and braided the back for a clean cut look. I have worn my hair that way ever since. My wife and daughter wear their hair long and generally braided and hanging the braid over their right shoulder as I do.

I personally don't see any reason that anyone should wear hair in any specific way as long as it works for them. My sons have all had long and short hair. They generally seem to prefer the boot camp buzz cut and then let it grow out to shoulder length and then another boot camp buzz cut. Two of them seem to have the more Asian hair genes and their hair grows seriously fast and thick, so they can get a buzz cut and have shoulder length hair 12 months later. John and Sierra have the kinky dry slow growing North African hair genes that I do and their hair grows much more slowly like mine. I would have to give Jarad and Ted hair cuts about every 6 to 8 weeks growing up and about every third hair cut John's would need cutting.

I think people should wear their in whatever manner works the best for them. For me it is more about utility than appearance. I like long hair because I can soak it with water in the summer to help cool me off, in winter I can wear it down and it is like wearing wool on my head keeping me warm. For most of the last ohh 28 years or so I have worn my hair long.

My little brother he has just gone with the balding look.. lol... This is us with our younger half sister and my little brothers eldest daughter..

Me in 2000 holding my son Jarad..

I find long hair on women the most attractive, especially long dark hair like my wife's..