On a more personal note:

1) Around the age of 19 I attended a free course for shy people provided by the counselling department of the University I was at. The course was called Social Communications and Interactions Program (SCIP). They used role-playing with video feedback, and I discovered that my shyness was causing me to put out the wrong signals - my body language was saying that I wasn't interested in the girl.

2) About age 27 I resorted to self-hypnosis to boost my self-confidence and social charisma so that I could overcome my loneliness, particularly in regard to connecting with women.

This was about 37 years ago, so I don't recall the exact words I used, however I made sure to include a bit about remaining true my core values as I didn't want to become some sort of uncaring Casanova.

The self-hypnosis actually worked, once I include a temporary amnesia and a time delay of about one month, so that I wouldn't be self-conscious about being supposed to be good with women. The time delay was because I couldn't instantly forget that I'd given myself the suggestions, but one month gave it time to slip from my immediate memory.

3) While the self-hypnosis worked and led to my first relationships with women, I knew that I still needed a lot of work, and spent a considerable amount of time (and money) doing personal growth workshops over the next couple of years.