Everyone -- call senators Marco Rubio (202-224-3041) and Rick Scott (202-224-5274), and Congressman Scott Franklin (202-225-1252), asking them to cosponsor S.2598, The Fresh Start Student Loan Bankruptcy Uniformity bill -- This is a Priority 1 request-- you may confirm, at the link below -- but you must comply. Bankruptcy Uniformity is NOT a free handout but rather required the U.S. Constitution's Uniformity clause: LOOK IT UP IF YOU DIDN'T STUDY THE CONSTITUTION. It is our Conservative alternative to Loan "Forgiveness" and Liberal Free Handouts-- and a Conservative free market check on obscene predatory lending using MY tax dollars to make or back collegiate loans. Will save TRILLIONS if passed-- will ensure a crash of the dollar if not passed. Don't say I didn't warn you: NOT a "Liberal" bill, as it has (as of press time) TWICE as many GOP sponsors as Democratic: https://www.Congress.gov/bi... AND, for more information, plz see ContractWithAmerica2 DOT com (link not active because Disqus thinks CONTRACT WITH AMERICA: PART II(tm) is a "spam" link LOL -- but when there, click on Key Legislation, and navigate to Section II: Constitutional Bankruptcy Uniformity for more info. GORDON WAYNE WATTS, NAT'L DIR., CONTRACT WITH AMERICA: PART II(tm)