I used to work for General Motors. I was salaried and worked out of offices in the Renaissance Center in downtown Detroit. Every summer we would all participate in a "GM Cares" event. These were often ghetto cleanup drives. During the day on which you "volunteered" (doing a "GM Cares" event at least one day per year was mandatory) you would report to some assembly point in a ghetto neighborhood (e.g., a park, church or school parking lot, or some similarly suitable staging area). You would break out into teams then venture out into the surrounding streets picking up garbage, pulling weeks from the sidewalks, chain sawing overgrown vines out of fences, sweeping, and other things. We would make the best of it and tried to make it a fun day with whatever banter and antics we could come up with. GM would cater a nice lunch back at the assembly point.

It's a nice thing that GM does. But I always thought…why can't these worthless people clean up their own neighborhood? There we were, majority white groups of employees that a supposedly evil capitalist corporation was paying to do this instead of serving the company. The company does other very charitable things few outside the company know about. Some of the black residents, especially the elderly ones, of the neighborhoods we cleaned up were genuinely appreciative. But it all underscored the sad truth that whites spend so much time and resources and make so many sacrifices dragging incompatible third world cultures along.