Going to school in Florida, the blacks all talk in Ebonics and behave differently than whites. so for me, I had this figured out at age 5. But I have siblings who grew up in the same situation who today still pretend or actually believe the media lies about race. I think they are very afraid of being perceived as a racist and are attempting to claim moral superiority over other whites by posing as an anti-racist. They are so afraid they even lie to siblings, children, parents, and other people they are very close to. I'm unique because I enjoy shattering falsehoods even at social cost.

Also, many people may have a black friend or two and fear they are betraying them by telling the truth and being honest. I don't! Blacks already know blacks are different from whites, and they already know they have a violent crime problem! It's the whites who won't allow truth in this matter. I believe there is an eventuality where everyone can finally tell the truth.