It makes me feel good to read stories like this. I've always been racially conscious since I grew up in the Projects in Queens (and Brooklyn). But back then (in the Mesozoic Era), the Projects were about 90 or so percent White. Years later, when I got out of the Service (after my tours in Vietnam), I came back to visit. By then, my parents had moved to a White neighborhood in Queens, but a lot of my good friends were still in the Projects. When I went to hang out with them again, I noticed (and was told), that the Projects were now (approximately) 75% black, 15% brown and 10% White. I still knew a lot of the non-White guys, so they never bothered me (nor would they have wanted to, since they knew what I had been in the Service, and some of them were in Vietnam too).

Stories like the above have happened all over America and it's a damn shame. I absolutely despise leftist Whites who caused all this to happen.

P.S. Not for nothing, but I've been reading AmRen since about a year after they started.