The proposed plan, while aesthetically very nice, really doesn't make sense. As a RI resident of 12 years (and a millennial) I have to say that it makes little sense to cut down all this luscious green space which is home to endless flora, fauna, insects, etc. This isn't Disneyland. You already have Four Freedoms and the Cornell campus to entertain tourists. This park was created FOR THE RESIDENTS OF ROOSEVELT ISLAND plain and simple. It is beautiful, serene, intimate, and provides enough privacy and protection for all the residents (human and non). If you want to tear down all that green space and create walk ways to the water with kayaking I can already smell a lawsuit. Think of all the parents not watching their children run straight towards the water (and yes they can hop that low fence). Think of all the people taking selfies that will fall backwards and hit their heads on the stones. Not to mention lack of security that anyone can access RI from the water? Once again I will state that this is the people's park- and this person votes NO!!