I lived in that description of diverse schools in Florida. I was just a kid but it was clear to me that blacks are a hostile race and not once did I ever believe that blacks are just darker toned whites. Any one who has gone to school with blacks SHOULD be a white nationalist. I actually observed even worse, blacks would gang up on lone individuals as well, NO sense of what is fair or not. In fact, they don't attack unless in groups. Sad part is, I have siblings who experienced the same schools as I did, and still vote for Democrats/3rd world USA. It's as if whites have a need to sacrifice themselves for what they believe is greater good. The key would be to allow whites to accept that diversity is not a greater good. Diversity will only result in the erasure of whites and nothing more. Where once stood a 1st world civilization, will be ruins. The greater good is for each distinct racial and ethnic group to live in it's own nation and territories as it was before. Diversity isn't progress, it's death.