Liberalism is being imposed on America and other first world countries as a de facto official state religion, and fake science is part of the dogma of that religion. People get kicked out of school, fired from their jobs, and excommunicated for questioning that dogma. These are serious consequences, so there are few that have the courage to stand up to the liberal thought police and openly challenge the lies of liberalism. Lowering your eyes and staying in the herd is a lot safer.

This kind of thing has happened other times and places. And it's the same kind of thing George Orwell wrote about in his classic book Nineteen Eighty-Four. What history tells us is that once something like this is firmly established, it's hard for a society to break out of it.

But the alternative to breaking out is to live as though a big lie is the truth, and always be in fear of the thought police. And what's worse is that the big lies of liberalism are used as a weapon of war to turn America into a socialist, racist dictatorship, where thought police will have real police power. So as dangerous as it is to stand up and fight back against the thought police, ultimately not doing so is a much greater danger. More among us need to wake up and see this glaring truth, and summon up the courage to stand up for the truth.