According to database of federal employee salaries, the individual listed in the article made more than $86,000 in 2017. According to the LM-2 form, the union paid him about $12,000 in salary in addition to his federal salary and benefits.

The OGE (in coordination with the Department of Justice) has concluded a union rep who is a federal employee and receives money from a union as well as his federal salary is in violation of the Dual Pay Act (18 U.S.C. § 209). The union would also be in violation of this Act. I have not had reason to research this issue recently so there may be later information available that others may know about.

Not sure how many years he has been paid by the union or how many other federal employees are also receiving dual pay from a union but the potential penalties could be substantial if this were the subject of an investigation and potential prosecution.

According to OGE: "where Congress has specifically provided that the Federal Government must continue to pay employees their usual Government salaries during the time they are engaged in Union activities, those employees should be considered "on the job" for purposes of pay and compensation. Any additional payments made as compensation for these services, received from the Union or otherwise, would be inconsistent with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 209 and would therefore be impermissible."

Perhaps SSA has researched and approved this arrangement of dual payments. Perhaps they were not even aware of it. If I were this former federal employee, that would be my biggest concern rather than complaining about his "forced retirement" from the Social Security Administration.