H. P. Lovecraft wrote an inspiring little story called "The Street." If you need a little encouragement in these dark days, give it a try. The full text is available at the Counter Currents website.

I like Howard a lot, and I enjoyed and appreciated this article by Sinclair Jenkins. If you haven't seen Arnold Schwarzenegger's movie version of Conan the Barbarian, I highly recommend it, although Howard purists might not be happy with it.

I disagree somewhat with Howard, though, about civilization. Our Indo-European ancestors built great civilizations, which contributed so much to our own spiritual and material well-being. In the spiritual, I include the art, music and literature that were important parts of those civilizations. In a recent Counter Currents article about the British singer/songwriter Nick Drake, a commenter "Maximus" makes a vital point that I agree with strongly....

" In a real White Western ethnostate there is a place for the timid, introvert and genuine artist, the individuals with the souls of poets. It is the ethnomasochist modern society of today that makes way for the troglodyte and defends the brutal bully, the haters and the worshipers of the ugly and the meaningless existence."