Kneeling has caught on among blacks. We've now seen black police officers in uniform kneel, black servicemen in uniform kneel, and a black Congresswoman (Sheila Jackson Lee) kneel on the floor of Congress. In their minds they are showing their allegiance to their nation -- the black nation.

In that way, they're not wrong. A "nation" is a group of people with a shared heritage, language, customs, ethnicity and ancestry. The "black nation" certainly fits the definition of nation far better than what the United States has become. We're now the Disunited States with disunited people, and that's the natural end result of a multiracial society.

The fact that we see black servicemen and even black Conservatives taking a knee should show the Alt-Lite people that even in their proposed multiracial civic nationalist state the greater allegiance for most people will be with their nation, i.e. their race.