I rented a room from this black guy in Australia. He was from Cleveland. The owner of the house was this Macedonian guy who ran a convenience store down the street, and I talked to him every few days while going to his shop. One day, he says to me that he can't wait for the rent anymore, and that he's been more than fair etc. I had been paying my rent to this dude, the black from Cleveland, and just assumed it was getting paid to the owner. It turned out that he was spending it on massage parlours, or hookers and dope. So the rent was in arrears for three whole months, and the owner was either too kind or too scared of Kool Moe D to push the issue. He later told me that he came to collect rent, and was told a sob story about being broke, and the guy came around soon after with a pizza for him.

I confronted Mushmouth later, and of course he got threatening. I told him that we weren't in the states anymore where he could call up a pack of his buddies, and that he'd find himself dead in the next minute if he wanted to continue to rage out, and so he backed off. The next day, he went down to the owners shop and made a bunch of threats. I was told about it later, and the owner said he was going to just demolish the house. I just found another place to live, just didn't need the drama. The owner of the place demolished it so he could rebuild on the lot, and Fat Albert stayed there the whole time. I think the poor guy was afraid of him.. which I don't understand, he was just a big fat stupid black who couldn't fight his way out of a KFC bucket. It was unreal, I went by there when the place was almost completely demolished and the owner said that Wylie was still in the place, one room standing.