Mr. Buchanan, benevolence to this wise man, gets it right, but his thesis is incomplete. "Democracy" is demotic, as in demote. In its present form, it extends the voting franchise and "right"(which is nonsense) to the lowest denominator. This universalism, i.e., one man-one vote is a culture killer.

Giving equal votes to the lowest, drug addicted, psychopathic, useless, and amoral moocher as the hard working family man who strives for moral improvement, knowledge, wisdom, and the care of his family, is absurd Q.E.D.

We've all, presumably, read and heard that when those who will only vote themselves more Free Cheese, unearned benefits in the absence of effort, will usher in the type of politicians and government that sees these Takers as a voting block, above and aside from the Commonweal. This is an iron law of Reality.

The Perpetuity Option, obviously, is to LIMIT THE VOTE to those who know enough and care enough to be informed on the whom and what they are voting for and the consequences-long term, short term.

This can be established by WEIGHTED voting, allotting more votes to the segment and demographic that believes and acts in the interest of the Nation State. Those who are mentally ill, manifest as Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Statism, and unpatriotic get lesser votes. Lesser votes for the very rich, defined as those who can live off investments, instead of a paycheck. They have influence of money to compensate.