McCain is "mainstream." Ryan is "mainstream." Linda Graham is "mainstream." They can't even "conserve" women's bathrooms.

No extremists in leftist campaigns? Take a look at photos of leftist demonstrations that aren't filtered through the legacy media sometime-- you'll see plenty of frankly Communist organizations. Your choice of Trotskyites (Spartacist League/ ICL), Maoist (RevCom), etc. Homosexual "rights?" Guess who used to march in mainstream "Pride" parades, until it got to be too much trouble to hide their presence in media coverage? NAMBLA. That's right, the North American Man-Boy Love Association. Hardly "mainstream," even today-- though who knows about 10 years from now.

And do I need to even mention that Billy Ayers, a Communist terrorist bomber responsible for multiple deaths, went on to become a professor at a major university, a recognized "authority" on education and recipient of many government grants, as well as a political mentor to a president?

What worked for the Left?

1. The Long March through the institutions-- control of media and academia in particular. Don't just focus on the immediate issue, keep the long term goals in mind, and keep pushing. Use control of the media and education to push your narrative, not a nuanced version of "the facts."

2. No Enemies to the Left-- precisely the opposite of what the author of this piece is advocating. When was the last time you heard a leftist, even a relatively mainstream one, denounce someone as a "Communist?" A "neo-Bolshevik?" Probably never, because they direct all of our fire at us, the people to their Right. They understand that their "extremists" break a trail for them, making their path easier. This is how you shift the Overton Window-- by worrying about the enemy, not about your own "extremists." Let the enemy worry about them.

3. A focus on winning, not on losing with dignity, because "We're not like that." Does anyone seriously think that there was any defensible legal, constitutional basis for striking down President Trump's executive orders (or for many Supreme Court decisions of the past 60 years)? Hell, no. They'll use precedents if they've got them, but if they don't, they'll just make sh!t up. Then the next judge can cite it as a precedent.

4. A focus on breaking down or "deconstructing" the traditional institutions of society-- family, religion, traditional norms of behavior, etc.

What will work for us?

1. Gain control of institutions-- media in particular. Co-opt existing institutions, or start our own. Use them to spread the counter-narrative and to attack the Left constantly. The (relatively) free internet is an opportunity that may not last; we need to keep pushing.

2. No enemies to the Right. Attack the Left instead. Imaginary "Neo-Nazis" and "muh KKK" are their problem, not ours.

3. Stop worrying so much about whether we're being too extreme, or not playing nice enough, and worry about winning instead. Trump should take a look at how Andrew Jackson dealt with courts trying to exercise power they don't have.

4. Don't accept the Left's frame. Don't use their words ("racist," "homophobic," "xenophobic," etc.). Constantly attack their narrative, their version of reality. They don't actually believe this junk -- they use it as a weapon because they hate you and they want you dead. They're not "the real racists" (which is flawed rhetoric, by the way), they're anti-White. Take a look at Bob Whitaker's mantra.

To put it another way-- you'll never win by saying "I know the enemy has artillery and air support, but i just don't think it's right to use those. We should just stick to small arms."

"Rules for Radicals" may have been written by an evil man, and half of it is Communist garbage, but the rest is pretty effective tactical advice. If you're losing a war, it's time to take a look at the weapons and tactics of the winning side...