My local library in Greenwich, CT stocked Chronicles, where I discovered it by accident (I think) in the early 1990s. I was immediately struck by its direct, no-nonsense tone, which, of course, drew me in more and helped wean me away from the milquetoast National Review crowd.

I became a regular reader. I appreciated the essays and Lovecraft reviews from Sam Francis (whom I once met). Chilton Williamson's weird dispatches from Out West about trying to track down Big Foot were pretty amusing. During the Serbian war the pro-Serbian bent of the magazine was a refreshing rebuttal to Neocon propaganda. Later on I got to know some of the outside writers and reviewers, a couple of whom once explained to me, in resigned tones, some of the behind-the-scenes editorial issues with the magazine that were often reflected in the severe, curmudgeonly writings of the editor, and prevented its further popularity.

From Chronicles emerged a lot of what we now call the Alt-Right, so its influence shouldn't be dismissed. My local book store stocks the magazine, where I pick it up on occasion. I'm two issues behind.