Beck, imo, is a fascinating case study in buying into one's own hype. I have listened to his show for a long time, through many incarnations of it. For the most part I've enjoyed it, if often with a grain of salt.

His current unfortunate state does not surprise me. I've known a lot of alcoholics- a LOT- and if there's one thing they all have in common it's that they love melodrama. Every serious drunk I've ever seen has concocted for themselves some sort of epic story to explain and define their existence. It becomes part of their identity, and as we all know, people will defend their identity at nearly any cost. This trait of the drunk doesn't simply go away because they stop drinking.

Beck has, over time, built for himself an identity of a Great Man. He has much to be proud of: he's reached great heights in his chosen profession; built his own company from the ground up (for as long as he can hold it); has millions of viewers and listeners and has seen tens of thousands of people travel great distances and gather to hear him speak. It's not surprising that the Great Man identity morphed into a Great Leader, bordering on Messianic, identity.

And Then. Came. Trump.

He was brash, egotistical, un-PC and unapologetic. He focused strictly on results and cared not a bit for any of the sacred cows of Conservatism Inc.. Trump is the antithesis of the Great Leader Beck envisions himself to be. And people were choosing Trump.

From day one Beck's attacks on Trump had the feel of someone who felt threatened. He and his on air yes-men quickly took to snarky comments, half truths, and bullying of callers who dared support Trump's ideas and rhetoric. His support of Ted Cruz took on the air of a mission from God, and in fact he said as much (I think ultimately Beck hurt Cruz more than helped him). Then of course came the complete unhinging, the nastiness, the insults, and the adoption of full on leftist tactics. You know the rest.

Beck got a very rude wake-up call. Problem is, he still hasn't woken up. To wit: it was never about him. It was about the vision of a functional and prosperous America that its white founding stock have spent generations building and maintaining, which he seemed to be embracing. But where Beck stopped short, Trump took it a step further.

I'll end with this much to say of Beck: keep an eye on him. For good or ill, a man of his talents should not be ignored.