Bernie Sanders inhabits a vastly different universe than most other Democrats. For one, he comes from a state (Vermont) that is 95%+ White -- a place where Nordic-style social democracy is very conceivable and where SWPL "boutique liberalism" is on full display. Bernie's constituents back home in Vermont are aging, baby boomer, socially-libertine yuppies nostalgic for the golden era benefits of their blue collar childhoods when dad's union job provided a hefty salary and pension. This is not true of most Democrats, who come from states like very brown states like New York and California, full of heavy weight corporations, where the modus operandi is simply heavily-regulated, neo-liberal capitalism.

The type of romantic, bucolic liberalism coming out of Vermont is more "European" in nature, contrasted with the type of urban/corporate liberalism coming out big city New York, Silicon Valley and L.A.