I read this book years ago. Generally speaking, it is a great read and mostly as applicable today as it was forty some years ago when it was written. Now, that said, I think the book fails in two areas: One, Wilmot Robertson seems to obsess over us nasty Catholic ethnics who were going to diminish the American majority. Hey, Catholics have helped make this country great and made very positive contributions to our society. Also, Robertson ignores the fact that Catholic "assimilable minorities" made up a disproportionate part of the service members who died in Vietnam, and it was a Catholic "unassimilable minority" Mayor Frank Rizzo, who really kicked the butts of the Militant Black Panthers, while his precious "American Majority" members made up most of the bleeding hearts who protested Vietnam and the police.

The second critique I have of this book is simply that Roberstson did not predict the rise of radical Islam and its threat to the West. Also, he did not predict the impact of Third World immigration-including Islamic immigration-and its future impact. Given that at the time the book was written, the Black September terrorists had already struck in Munich, and that Islam has been fighting the West for 1400 years, this is a serious oversight. It just galls me that The Dispossessed Majority is too obsessed with Poles, Irish and Italians.