Like many of you who have posted, I am disappointed by the outcome of this election. However, in this free election, the people have spoken and we must accept the results and move forward. In responding to the comments I think we need to step back and remember that we need to be at the table not just for economic reasons but to have any chance at being heard on the very important social issues we recognize as an integral part of the profession's role in society.

To that end I would like to quote some of the talking points that are part of our organization's position in dealing with the new administration:

• Ensuring that policymakers hear our voices is a top priority of the AIA at all levels of government, from the White House to city councils. If we do not work to engage with those in power, then we are leaving the fate of our profession in the hands of others.

• The AIA will always remain true to our principles and values, which are established through our board with significant member input. For example, the AIA strongly supports elevating and respecting the dignity and worth of all people, and we are committed to addressing the impacts of climate change through policies that promote sustainable and resilient design.

• We stand ready to work with any policymaker who is willing to work with us, but we also are not afraid of calling out policymakers who do not share our values or work to oppose our interests.

• We hope you and all AIA members stay engaged in the AIA, and share with us your views on the major issues – not just at the federal level, but at the state level and in your community.

• In the coming days we are issuing our biennial Call for Issues, where we ask all AIA members what issues they want us to take to Congress and the White House.

• Only by listening to you and the other 90,000 members of the AIA can we develop a clear, strong message on what architects believe and what we are willing to fight for.

I hope you will continue to help us lift our voice and make sure we are heard. I say this as the father of an eight-year-old girl whom I hope one day will have the opportunity to achieve her full potential. We must not loose sight that if we are at the table we can better promote our strong principles on key issues such as climate change, equity and diversity amongst other important AIA initiatives.

As a group we must engage or otherwise risk being sidelined. We must continue to engage so that we may continue to be a positive influential force or otherwise risk being inconsequential. As architects, we certainly are not a profession that falls into the inconsequential category. Now, more than ever, we must work collectively as a group to ensure that we continue to have a voice in all matters having to do with our profession.

Thierry Paret, FAIA