What gets me is how many Democrats seem to have an intuitive understanding of the stakes in this election. Deep down, they know that if Trump loses, it's over for the two-party system, and indeed, for democracy itself. Democrats will gain a permanent electoral majority and Republicans will never be able to win another election again. It frightens me how many Democrats, including whites, seem to be fine with this idea.

How else can you explain the sheer frothing hysteria against Donald Trump, the kind of entitlement mentality that Hillary must win at all costs, the intolerance of any opposing viewpoints as shown by the left, the assassination attempts, the constant online calls for Donald Trump's murder, the blocking of roads to his rallies, the shutdown of his events, the collusion of media and industry, the violent riots and beatings, etc. etc. and, most scary of all, the fact that so many white liberals seem to be fine with all of this? This is a clear breakdown of democracy that liberals claim to value so much. Things that I thought would shock whites on the left with any sense of decency seem to have had no effect whatsoever.

I'm afraid this election has caused my opinion not only of liberals but the inherent goodness of man to decline precipitously.