I don't know much about Zimbabwe. I certainly don't know anything about Ph.Ds! But I do know God.

My uncle moved his wife and two small boys to another state over two decades ago in order to attend seminary. He, too, was looking for a job. He prayed and wrote a list of the things he would be willing to do. At the very end of the list he wrote that he would even be willing to clean toilets.

Guess which job God had in mind for him?

My uncle cleaned toilets as a janitor for a while. It helped his compassion and his humility. He now has even more than an initial seminary degree. He has his doctorate, his own pastorate of a vibrant and growing church, and travels the world preaching Jesus and teaching others to preach Jesus.

God has a special job for you. He is fitting you for the work of it now, but it might not look like what you planned. Be open and keep open for His plan. Cry if you must, but don't give up.